Vibrate into Love

Kani is a Hawaiian word with many meanings and is related to all things sound: noise, pitch, music, voice, singing, reverberation, resonance, the sounds of nature and the sounds that may aggravate us and that we associate with noise. Kani House is a space to vibrate into love with tailor made sonic journeys.

About Soleil

I will hold a sacred, loving, compassionate and safe space for your journeying and collaborate with you to facilitate your own unique journey through sound, vibration, frequency and love. This is both a journey each session, and a lifelong journey of internal and external vibratory awareness. I look forward to journeying with you. Love

soleil signature

What happens in sessions?

Sessions are facilitated and are not just a sound bath, (although they are awesome too), but an awareness raising healing collaborative and guided process of discovery. They may include specific instruments, soundscapes, voice, rhythms, song creation, ceremony, ritual, specific environments, colour, medicinal oils and movement, as everything is vibration and frequency. Check out the Offerings page for more details. 

Kani House operates within the following principles:



Consent always



loving respectful touch


nervous system peace



free expression






Verbal processing



You are not broken

you are doing your best

you have the answers

you are magic

All you need is within

What are my Qualifications?

I have a melting pot of qualifications and decades of experienceacross a range of disciplines, and here is a list of some of them.


counseling psychology, mediation, philosophy, therapeutic and educational group facilitation, NLP, & management


art, theatre, dance, yoga, many different styles of massage and bodywork, years of study in Buddhist and Daoist and Hawaiian practices, certified herbal medicine, aromatherapy and colour therapy practitioner, Access Consciousness bars and bodywork practitioner


Music, sound, gigging, singing and playing in a rock band, composing music and lyrics, writing poetry and authoring books. Sound healing certification. To check out my music, visit my Bandcamp site here. 

Come and be surprised, delighted, aligned, intrigued and harmonised.

Where are we?

Kani House is located in the heavenly Byron Shire in NSW Australia, where lush rainforest meets miles of secluded ocean beaches that are swimmable all year round. The traditional custodians (Bundjalung people) of the land describe this area as healing land.

To read more about my experience with sound, please go to the My music journey page.

Stay tuned on the ‘Whats New‘ page for blogs and offerings

E Hō Mai
Ka ‘ike mai luna mai ē
I nā mea huna no’eau
O nā mele ē
E hō mai, e hō mai, e hō mai ē

Aunty Edith Kanaka’ole

This is an original Hawaiian chant (Mele Oli) by Aunty Edith Kanaka’ole, used as a way to enter the mind into a state of sacred ceremony.

“Grant us knowledge from above (spirit, ancestors, angels, source)
The knowledge hidden in the chants (guidance)
Grant us these things.”


“You are the package; vibrant, mystical and beautiful. One massive variation of extraordinary musical intoxication” – Eve

“I feel so much appreciation for your level of presence, deep empathy and understanding, of the level of trust I have with you”- C

“You are such a wise soul, with so many gifts, so much intuition and kindness. Thank you for being you” – M

  • ‘You’ve got the light. 
  • You are the light. 
  • When I feel the dark, there’s you, 
  • always just glowing, glowing.
  • Calling me – come and see what there is. 
  • I feel safe supported and loved, 
  • and that I’m fine, 
  • like you are holding my hand 
  • and we are walking together’ -Andrea
Vibrate into Love
What is called into every session

Kani House respects and honours Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the stories, traditions and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on this land and thank them all for their custodianship.

We also honour all Indigenous peoples throughout the world and the rich wisdom they embody from living in harmony with each other and Gaia.


Come and experience a range of musical healing, fun and liberating offerings tailored to your needs

session space Kani House


1.5 hours tailored to your unique accoustic experience, vibration and frequencey preferences and needs. Designed in collaboration with you to take you on a journey of awareness, relaxation, liberation, alignment, harmonisation and many other yummy adjectives, depending on what your body, mind and spirit ask for on the day. $210.

Please get in touch if you would like to book a session


sonic recording


A 30minute specifically designed soundscape of original music, voice and specifically recorded nature sounds from key healing locations layered to include those healing and aligning elements we discovered for you, that you get to take home and listen to. No two will be the same! $75

Group Sound baths


Sonic journeying that is tailored to the group energy on the day. Get in touch if you would like to organise one with me. I will also offer them periodically, and these will be advertised on Face Book with a ticket purchase link.

jug band instruments


60 mins of facilitated fun creating rhythm sounds and music. Traditionally a Jug band included playing an empty jug to make a trombone like sound and playing a washboard and two metal spoons for percussion. The band may have included a guitar type instrument made out of a box or an animal skin covered hollow container, and a comb covered in tissue paper and played.

These days a jug band can be made up of any instruments, including found items to make sound with.  A variety of instruments can be provided, but participants will be given ideas and encouraged to find things to make sound with and bring them into the band. This is half the fun.

The voice can also be used as percussion, like beatboxing or toning creating a chilled out creation working together to go on a journey of sound. no musical experience required. Can be great fun for corporate groups to let loose and get inspired and the creative juices flowing. Get in touch to talk about what is possible.


My Music Journey

Soleil Poynton

“The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you” – Rumi

A warm hello to your beautiful soul and body. I thought I would share a little about my music journey with sound, vibration and frequency.

Where bush meets Sea

I was blessed to grow up in a coastal town surrounded by bush and could hear the ocean from my bedroom. I was and still am a nature lover and spent many hours sitting in trees, riding my bike, horses and listening to owls, birds, crashing waves and the myriad of nature sounds.

My music journey

Musical influences

We had many friends who were and still are musicians, a number of whom play and are recognised internationally. Our house was full of instruments ranging from a mandolin, pedal organ, piano, banjo, bagpipe chanter, lute, flutes, fifes and various shakers. Music was always present and ranged from Baroque, to Classical, Avant-garde such as Frank Zappa, Rock such as Jethro Tull, Santana and King Crimson, and Improv jazz such as Chick Corea.

I learnt to play the first 3 grades of piano starting from when I was about 8 years old, but my parents could not afford to pay for my lessons, so I continued to explore the instrument by myself and compose soundtracks to books such as Jonathon Livingston Seagull. Our piano was very old and not of good quality so my mum put thumb tacks on all the dampers creating quite an interesting sound. I also played the organ and experimented with the other instruments in our collection. When I was about fourteen, I had another year of piano but this time without any music reading. I was taught to play with my eyes closed, tune in with my auditory and kinaesthetic senses and learn my way around the keyboard to experiment and play some jazz standards. I had my first song played by a jazz quartet at the same age.


New Chapter

In 1983 we lost our house in a bush fire, and had no furniture, but a friend kindly leant me his 12 string guitar, so I played that including some slide, until he needed it back. A different friend also gave me a two track recorder to experiment with. A few months later (after now having a new place to live and a bed to sleep in!) I joined a rock band who were looking for a keyboard player and luckily had their own gear. I played with them and sang backing vocals around 3 times a week for 3 years during which I saved up and bought a Roland synthesiser and put myself through a degree in Art, Philosophy and Psychology at University. I also was part of the Mill Theatre company throughout my uni studies, so this gave me experience in voice movement and the value of self expression.


After a year away at an interstate Uni doing post grad counselling Psychology studies, I returned and played with the band for another 6mths. We would occasionally swap instruments and jam which was great fun. (Although I was a very rudimentary drummer – status quo comes to mind!) The bass player in the band was also an audio engineer (which was super handy), and one year we all pitched in and converted the lead singer’s garage into a recording studio and laid down some tracks. It was a great learning experience.

A totally different experience

When I left the band I joined the Army to continue my Psychology career, and during this time I attended a conservatorium and learnt to play the Saxophone. My teacher was only interested in Jazz and Blues, so that is what I learnt! After my lesson, I used to sneak downstairs and play the concert grand in the auditorium as most of the time it was empty. One day I got a surprise though as I opened the door inadvertently onto a choir practice. Apparently they had just lost a member and I got roped into joining as another Alto. Straight into learning the songs in Latin and French!! (both of which I did not speak!). The other thing they neglected to tell me until the last minute was that we were booked for a concert at St Mary’s Cathedral! I wont lie, I was nervous, but it turned out to be an amazing experience. A little while later I had singing lessons from a well respected Scottish opera singer, who had originally sung at the opening of the Sydney Opera house and I also did a radio play which was super fun and interesting. I was also involved in theatre at the La Boite theatre company in Brisbane for about 6-12mths.

My Musical instrument addiction

When I left the Army , I ended up buying my own piano and already had the saxophone, made a Native American shamanic drum out of kangaroo hide and a beater to go with it and started to collect other musical instruments- (appears to be something passed down through the DNA!). My dad made me some Aboriginal clap sticks out of Mulga, and a rain stick which he stole back .. and I have shakers, a Hang drum, Native American Flute, two guitars (My Dad left me the bespoke unusual and beautiful guitar he made before he died), a Kalimba, koshi and chimes, symbols, Tibetan singing bowl, 26” gong, and have my eye on some crystal tones gem infused crystal bowls when I win lotto haha. Ok, its an addiction….sort of an expensive one too!! Still I don’t have any other vices..

My instruments

I have always been a holistic psychologist, using music, art, movement and symbols in my counselling and mentoring work and music was also a big part of my Hawaiian body work practice as an integral factor in healing. I also studied sound healing and some DJ-ing.

An eclectic bag of tricks

My Journey into Vibration, meditation and energy healing started in 1992 when I had a Kundalini awakening and started doing holtropic breathwork, other types of breath practice and body energy work through Kahuna massage and intuitive energy healing. I studied reiki to master level, anatomy, remedial and sports massage, cranio sacral therapy, neurostructural integration and access consciousness bars and bodywork and incorporated them into my counselling practice in the form of emotional release bodywork. I also ran or cofacilitated workshops with other practitioners in symbol work, dance, art therapy and music. I especially loved creating jug bands with found objects where the group could create their own rhythms and sounds. If you would like to know more about my mentoring, counselling, bodywork and art work, please visit my other website Empowered2Happiness via this link.

Movement and dance

I have been doing yoga since I was about 4, and this also helped with my understanding of the body, anatomy and energy movement. I also did years of different dance styles starting off with; Ballet as a kid (not my favourite as I always had to play the boy and that sucked), HipHop (I gained a new appreciation for Janet Jackson’s fitness level!!); Salsa, Rock N Roll, Jive, Cuban Street Latin – by far my favourite and the one I did consistently, Tahitian dance, Bellydance, and most recently just flowing with Free dance – the one my body loves the best.

 Movement and dance

Our body is infinitely intelligent- just think how many systems run in the background while you are busy in your day. What an incredible piece of equipment we are. We each resonate with our own tone, vibration and frequency and it is my belief if we give the body the most conducive environment it will heal all ails and be our best friend all through life. That’s how I attempt to live my life. In the flow of following the energy and listening to what my body wants and needs.

Being present

I have been a meditator all my life but not in a formal sense. I’ve never been one for being put in a box or trying to categorise people as I am so eclectic,  so my meditation is in motion, and I walk around 98% of the time with no thoughts in my head. This makes following a guided meditation rather impossible as I let things flow in and out so much!!

I have studied Buddhism, spent a year as part of a Dao centre, studied Hawaiian philosophy and looked at other spiritual practices, but always come back to the simplicity of just being fully present and embodied in the moment.

I’m excited to be facilitating you on sound journeys that can be rich, enlivening, relaxing, invigorating, healing, aligning and always an amazing adventure that changes each time. I look forward to collaborating and creating with you and getting to know the beauty and divinity you are as a unique vibration and frequency. What is the song that your heart sings? If you listened what would be the notes and sounds it wants to make. Let us take a journey and find out!

Much love

my signature


Frequently asked questions

What happens in a session?

Sessions vary depending on the person, but each new journeyer will be asked to complete a questionaire which will ask about your interactions with sound and vibration, current concerns physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually and your intentions and preferences. A journey will then be co-created in collaboration with the above and you on the day. At all times there will be no pressure to do or listen to anything you dont want to do. A safe loving space will be held for you in your journey.

All journeys start with a check in with where things are at for you on the day. Sonic Journeying is not a one time event it is a way of life and we need time to sink in, relax the central nervous system, work with what is current on the day and decide on your preferences for our collaboration. Certain instruments may be played to facilitate your process and may include crystal bowls, Tingsha and Koshi chimes, tibetan bowls, shamanic drum, gong, native American flute, toning, song, light language, chant, rattles, clack sticks, piano, guitar, hang drum and other instuments. Recorded soundscapes may also be used to enhance the overall ambiance and healing. The session may include hands on touch or body preparation with your permission. I like to help the body prepare to receive and assist it’s unwinding. Colour may also be used as colour is made of wavelengths that also influence our vibration. Crystals may also be placed near or on you to aid in healing and aura cleansing with a wands or drum may be added.

The sesson may also include movement and you will be encouraged to express yourself through your body and sound, breathwork and voice if you feel moved to. This will be facilitated by me but is your unique expression. I may encourage you to focus in certain areas or ask you questions to draw your awareness to certain sounds or emotions I may be noticing within you. I will be your support.

Sessions go for 90 minutes

Session space

How much does it cost?

Sessions are $210.

Can you do this on Zoom?

Zoom sessions are not recommended, as a big part of the session is the co-collaboration for music, dance, real time playing of instruments and the energy that is created.  Internet is not reliable up here in the bush, so I would hate to promise something that would not be the best experience for you.

How many sessions will i need?

This is completely up to you. I do not determine this, but will ask you to tune into your body heart and soul and decide from there. I always recommend you give yourself integration time which may be a week to 2 weeks, as things will continue to change, although sometimes – like me, you may process and integrate very quickly so you may want more frequent sessions. Sometimes you may want a few sessions close together at the start to work on something specific or if you feel a bit stuck in your energy, other times you may go a couple of months between sessions or longer. It is completely up to you, to follow your own intuition.

Do you do couple sessions?

Yes I do couple sessions, but only after both of you have already had an individual session with me so i know what your preferences and experiences are and some of your background with sound. I will ask you to set an intention for your relationship space and what you would like to create or shift. Couple sessions are the same price. I have extensive experience in couple counseling so you can feel safe to raise any issues for your journey.

I have a different question not answered here

If you have more questions, please get in touch and I will be happy to answer them. It also helps me to add to this page

Contact Us

Please contact us if you would like more information or to book a session. Check the FAQ page which may answer your questions. We look forward to hearing from you.

Get in Touch

Upper Main Arm, NSW 2482

Please be sure to also leave your name,  best contact method and time. Thanks.