Music and Your Pineal Gland

This week we are going to explore music and your Pineal gland. But first we need to understand the function of the gland. Let’s get some background on this first.

What is the Pineal gland and what are its functions?

Most species have a Pineal gland, and its main function is to produce Melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep patterns or circadian rhythm.  The Pineal also helps with regulating temperature. In humans it is located deep within the middle of your brain, crossing from one hemisphere to the other. It is very tiny but very powerful.

The Pineal gland is light sensitive, which is super cool, so when the day starts and there is lots of blue or cool light, it releases less Melatonin, so you stay awake. Once the sun starts to set, and the light temperature becomes warmer, this is the signal for the Pineal to release more Melatonin so you can sleep. Our eyes and the Pineal are both connected to an area of the brain related to visual perception and Pineal cells resemble eye retinal cells in composition which is why it is referred to as the ‘third eye’.

Increased Melatonin is associated with a positive effect on heart health, mood, and overall hormonal function and the Pineal also regulates the production of Serotonin, Tryptamine, Dimethyltryptamine and Pinoline, thus effects just about every facet of our biological functioning.

Our Pineal gland is bathed in cerebral spinal fluid and has a high level of blood supply. Some say second only to the kidney by its size. Research has also discovered a link to fertility hormone secretion and libido. The Pineal gland also participates in cerebral spinal fluid production.

Transcendent function of the Pineal gland

DMT is produced by the Pineal gland and the more Melatonin you have the more DMT you have. DMT facilitates mystical experiences and is known as the ‘spirit molecule’. DMT is released during REM sleep and when we have a near death experience or when giving birth. People often experience lights, visions, and hearing sounds when their Pineal gland is activated.

From an esoteric perspective, ancient mystical and spiritual traditions such as Vedic yoga, Egyptian teachings, and Hinduism, believe that the Pineal gland corresponds to the ‘Third Eye’ or gateway to increased intuition and higher consciousness.  In the Christian bible Matthew 6.22 says ‘The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light’.

Increased DMT can help us be creative and have different perceptions of reality. Most ancient wisdom traditions advocate meditation to increase the sensitivity and activation of the Pineal gland and production of DMT. The more creative and intuitive you are the more active your Pineal gland is.

A compass

Researchers have suggested that the Pineal functions as a compass, attuned to magnetic north which helps with a sense of direction in humans and animals. Mmm, so if you have a poor sense of direction, may be its time to crank up your pineal gland!! Apparently animals who live in a cold climate have larger Pineal glands. Antarctic seals have Pineal glands that take up a full one third of their brain!!

A crystal

In Daoist philosophy, the region of the brain bounded by the Pineal, the pituitary, and hypothalamus glands is called the Crystal Palace.  About 10 years ago, medical research using an electron microscope, found that the Pineal gland contains microcrystals of calcite (a key component of marble and limestone). I know, cool huh. These crystals have been show to be present in children as young as 1-2 years.

Different forms of the crystals have been identified within a complex twinned structure that has been shown to be piezoelectric, (an accumulated electrical charge). It is thought that when these crystals are pressurised by the Cerebral spinal fluid, they produce photons (light particles) that creates bioluminescence, ie give off light.  

Calcite crystals in the Pineal Gland

De-calcification of the pineal gland

Some may ask why do we want to decalcify a gland when it clearly has its own calcite crystals inherently and potentially for some purpose? Make up your own mind what feels right to you, but here are the reasons given for doing this: The Pineal Gland is believed to absorb most of the sodium fluoride that enters our body from water treatment systems, and this has been linked to increased calcification. 

A bit like overgrowth of bone, which for instance, can happen in your spine after injury, calcification supposedly stops the Pineal gland from manufacturing Melatonin. People with schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s and renal failure have been shown to have higher levels of calcification of the Pineal gland.

Music and your Pineal gland

Now we know the far-reaching functions and properties of the Pineal gland and how important it is to so much of our wellbeing, how does it respond to music?

Well, here is the tricky bit where I get stuck. Science seems to have just started the baby steps of researching effects on the pineal gland and ancient traditions seem to have little accessible regarding sound and its effects on the gland.

Despite all the claims on the internet, finding solid evidence is very difficult. Most sites end up in an information feedback loop where they are all copying the same information off each other without any obvious source of that information. It is clear from my research on this topic (and I am a good researcher), that this is an area needing a lot more investigation. (If you have any amazing resources, feel free to share the links in the comments below. Id love to find out some more).

So, here’s my best guess.

Logically, if your pineal gland produces the most Melatonin when you are in non-dreaming sleep, music or tones that tap into the Delta frequencies of this state, (around 1Hz) will help increase Melatonin levels. If you want the Pineal gland to release more DMT, then playing music or sounds in the Theta Hz range (around 10Hz) equivalent to REM sleep, will facilitate this. Bear in mind that if you don’t have a lot of Melatonin, you won’t have much DMT to release.

Given that the pineal gland has a good blood supply and is bathed in cerebral spinal fluid, it makes sense that as liquids they would vibrate into patterns such as those discovered in cymatics or Emoto’s work with water crystals. You can check my earlier blogs for more on this here.

Activating your Pineal Gland

Do a search on You Tube and you will find many music selections promising to decalcify and activate your Pineal gland. Most of these are based upon the 936Hz Solfeggio tone (See one of my earlier blogs for an explanation of these here ) and claim to tap into the third eye energy.

As a recap, the solfeggio tones originated from a reported series of 6 repeating codes from verses of the book of numbers in the bible. One section had patterns of 3, 9 and 6. The next section had repeating patterns of 4, 1 and 7 and so on.  They were reduced mathematically using a Pythagorean formula to single digits to correspond with the first stanza of the hymn to St. John the Baptist. So, originally there were only 6. They were 396Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz and 852 Hz. Since then, two lower frequencies have been added and the 932Hz higher frequency.  

The logic or evidence of applying the 936Hz to the third eye, I cannot find anywhere. Again, if you have decent information that can shed light on this Id love to see it.

So where does this leave us?

I am by no means a person who lacks faith or who is not open to things I cannot see; however, I remain agnostic when it comes to the above claims. I do listen to solfeggio tones, and I find them enjoyable and relaxing. Although I am very tuned in with my body, I don’t feel them working on specific chakras. I would love to see testimonials of people’s experience with them. I also listen to various mediations and binaural beats in different frequencies such as epsilon, theta, and gamma. You may be interested to check here for some free high quality audio options. I also find they have an effect but again I cannot pinpoint a specific action on my pineal gland. But then having done a lot of spiritual work and being a lucid dreamer, I naturally have a lot of Melatonin and DMT so maybe I feel the effects less. Let me know if you have had any amazing experiences from your pineal gland from playing music or tones.

Have a great week!


2 Replies to “Music and Your Pineal Gland”

  1. I enjoyed reading this article as it was interesting to point of multiple perspectives of the pineal gland; however, I would love to have seen citation of sources to see where you inquired the information of more melatonin= more DMT or just that the pineal gland produces DMT. Thank you.

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